The concept of adoption has always been met with some resistance in a country like India, where bloodlines are considered sacred. Couples usually try every other method in the book to conceive naturally before zeroing in on adoption. However, in Kalyani Sardesai’s book titled Child of My Heart, the author attempts to turn this dithering notion on its head. Published by Litreasure Publishers, the book is slated to be a one stop guide for all questions pertaining to adoption.
Written in a testimonial style, the book is filled with anecdotes from real life adoptive parents, their journeys, trials and tribulations and finally their advice to prospective adoptive parents. Interestingly, the book gives a very real account of the process of adoption, what worked for different families and what did not. It lays down the obstacles faced not only by adoptive parents but also adopted children- their view on the adoption process, how they coped and adjusted to their new environment, their future plans and so on.
One of the most enlightening sections of the book is the descriptions written by child psychologists, therapists and child specialists in the adoption space which provide valuable insight into the pysche of the adopted child. It explains in detail their sense of apprehension, insecurity and above all need for love and how the adoptive parent can successfully assuage their fears. This forms a great guide to prospective adoptive parents as they can keep themselves informed and updated.
Child of My Heart does not limit itself to anecdotes about the adoption process in India, but also gives a detailed list of do’s and don’ts on how to break the news to the child, how to handle questions by children with sensitivity and honesty and how to proceed if children wish to contact their birth parents.
A comprehensive guide to the entire adoption process in India, Sardesai has surely been thorough in her research. She has also included a section on how adoption has been portrayed in popular culture through films and TV as well as famous personalities who are adopted children.
The author has been able to extract the most personal details of the lives of many families and should be given full credit for that. Both, parents as well as children have been honest and candid about their relationships with each other thus making this book a multi-faceted read.