The Art of Life Admin – how to do less, do it better and live more by Elizabeth Emens

« Every day, an unseen form of labour creeps into our lives, stealing precious moments of free time, placing a strain on our schedules and relationships, and earning neither appreciation nor compensation in return. Scheduling doctor’s appointments. Planning a party. Buying a present. Filling out paperwork. This labour is ‘life -admin’- the kind of secretarial and managerial work necessary to run a life and a household »

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Read more about the article Anna Corba: all for the love of paper
For the love of paper!

Anna Corba: all for the love of paper

If you look at Anna Corba’s work…you’ll never want to throw paper away again! There is a certain magic in working with vintage on to know more

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Portraits of Exile by Aaniya Asrani

The idea of home and being displaced from home is something that is difficult to explain to children. Yet, sadly, these displacements are the realities of our times. A series of three books, published by Katha and unified under the theme “Portraits of Exile” brings forth this much needed conversation.

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Journaling- The stellar comeback of journals

Journaling assumes many different forms. As pervasive as modern technology is in our daily lives, sometimes a little journal can go a long way. Yes, journaling is en vogue!

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A ‘mantoness’ of being- Why Manto is relevant today, more than ever before

Manto, a Biographical drama based on the famous Urdu author Saadat Hasan Manto, written and directed by Nandita Das, is a story that is probably more relevant today than ever before. It defines what ‘mantoness’ is all about…

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Jallianwala Bagh Massacre – a 100 years on

When we ‘learn’ about Jallianwala Bagh in books of history as students, it is nowhere close to experiencing even a fragment of the pain and terror that the fateful massacre unleashed. At the centenary of this devastating incident, we pay homage to those who perished and those whose lives were never the same again!  

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Pops by Balaji Venkataramanan

Packed with humour but with a lot of sensitivity, Pops by Balaji Venkataramanan, published by Duckbill cruises the difficult terrain of writing stories that connect with and resonate with young readers today.

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