Quest for Restoring Financial Stability in India by Viral Acharya

Hindsight offers a good scope for reflection. Quest for Restoring Financial Stability in India by Viral Acharya mixes potent observations, reflections and research-based data to outline the fault lines which are a hindrance to the goal of restoring financial stability in India.

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Kahani Purani- The Ramayana retold in Hindi for toddlers

T4 Tales brings a new and worthy addition to the treasure-trove of Ramayana stories for children. This interactive book is a simple retelling in Hindi for very young children.

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Friends behind Walls by Harshikaa Udasi

What if you are forbidden to be friends with your young neighbour? And when you ask why, all you get is silence? Can there be friends behind walls?

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Mohini the Enchantress by Anuja Chandramouli

Mohini the Enchantress by Anuja Chandramouli provides a refreshing point of view of events that have unfolded in mythology through the eyes of the ultimate femme fatale.

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