Soul Scroll Journals- are you ready to scroll your soul?

Soul Scroll Journals presents the unique concept of soul scrolling, a process of intentional soul-searching that promises to get you in touch with your true self. Combining journaling and reflective techniques the process gently leads you to transform your life.

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Explore the world of Jane Austen Memorabilia!

She wrote two centuries ago, but she is still in fashion! If you’re an Austenite, have a look at this Jane Austen memorabilia especially curated for die-hard Austen fans!

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A Song of India- The Year I went Away by Ruskin Bond

The Song of India is the fourth instalment of a series of memoirs by India’s most loved author. Ruskin Bond weaves his magic once more by sharing a slice of his life with his trademark wit and humour.

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See the smells of Mumbai…..Matsyagandha by Gopal MS

Mumbai has been a muse to many photographers. Gopal MS achieves the seemingly impossible task of capturing the smells of Mumbai in a digital photobook, Matsyagandha.

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Saffron Stories- Get an “IndSight” into Indian culture, history and mythology

Saffron Stories creates educational materials such as flashcards to present content on Indian culture to meet the demand for products that root children to their culture, but are at the same time a fun experience and designed to high quality standards.

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Demystifying puberty for children- Two books on puberty by Niyatii N Shah take on the task of educating children about changes in their bodies and minds.

Puberty is an important milestone in the lives of children. Sexuality Educator Counsellor Niyati Shah’s books on puberty seek to demystify the process for children. Informative and simple to understand these are a must-read for tweens and teens…and parents!

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