Features and reviews of books that have special interest for children. The age groups between 0-12 have a wealth of books dedicated to them. We sieve through these and bring forth our curated picks. We also discuss relevant aspects and issues related to the realm of children’s literature.

How to Be a Writer by Ruskin Bond

In his trademark style filled with humour and peppered with examples from his life, Ruskin Bond tells young readers about the enticing world of writing.

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The Grand Chapati Contest by Asha Nehemiah

It would take a Grand Chapati Contest to find someone worthy of the title of the Chief Chapati Cook of the palace! A fun read for beginning readers.

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Lost and Found in a Mumbai Koliwada by Vinitha and Kripa

The kolis are the original inhabitants of Mumbai. Traditionally, they were the fisherfolk. They story entwines that of the city itself. Take a peek in a Mumbai koliwada….

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Just like Papa by Nandita da Cunha

How can parents gently lead their kids to discover themselves as unique individuals, not necessarily clones of their parents! Just like papa by Nandita da Cunha takes on this poignant theme.

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