Begum, Badshah aur Baagwani by Geeta Dharmarajan
Who is the boss of gardening at home? Read this fun humorous tale from a child’s viewpoint as she silently observes her parents challenging each other! An enriching read from Katha Publishers.
Features and reviews of books that have special interest for children. The age groups between 0-12 have a wealth of books dedicated to them. We sieve through these and bring forth our curated picks. We also discuss relevant aspects and issues related to the realm of children’s literature.
Who is the boss of gardening at home? Read this fun humorous tale from a child’s viewpoint as she silently observes her parents challenging each other! An enriching read from Katha Publishers.
Mustafa Syed’s Honesty Book Shop has plunged into the realm of storytelling with a view to incorporate diversity, inclusion and wellbeing in stories that our children grow up with.
What are the secrets of the evolution of mankind and the development of the modern world, that the mighty Indian ocean conceals? The Incredible History of the Indian Ocean has a few answers.
The landscape of Mumbai changes during the Ganesh festival. In “Be Careful Bappa” the child-narrator cautions his beloved lord Ganesha, against the myriad ‘dangers’ that the city would pose. A touching tale that looks at a slice of Mumbai though the eyes of a child
Halloween is celebrated in many parts of the world, though not very extensively in India. However, it is a perfect excuse to read Halloween books, soon becoming a genre by itself!
Dan Brown’s “Wild Symphony” is a children’s book that pairs with a classical music album and an augmented reality app, even as it tells a delightful tale in rhyme.
A book to bring the Ramayana closer to your child…. revel in exquisite illustrations from one of our favourite epics.
One of the ways of looking at Mumbai, is through its rains. In Rain- A City through a Season, Vinitha and Kripa take young readers through a unique version of the Mumbai monsoon.
What happens when a beautiful Champaka tree, filled with life, is replaced with an equally exquisite glass tree? The Glass Tree by M Mukundan leaves the young reader with some food for thought.
There are some children’s books you just can’t grow out of. Cherish these timeless picture books for years to come!