Features and reviews of books that have special interest for children. The age groups between 0-12 have a wealth of books dedicated to them. We sieve through these and bring forth our curated picks. We also discuss relevant aspects and issues related to the realm of children’s literature.
The Songs of Freedom Series place young children at the center of the struggle for India’s independence. At one level, there is the story of the struggle for independence playing out on the wider canvas. But, parallelly, and equally importantly are young minds coming of age in a world where they are about to make a big difference.
A Tree of My Own by Ruskin Bond introduces young readers to the restorative powers of nature, accessible to all!
When I Met The Mama Bear - A Forest Guard’s Story by Prerna Singh Bindra (Talking Cub) takes us right in the midst of the Indian jungles, where life has…
AdiDev Press has come out with another stellar series under the “Learning to Be” concept. Each new edition builds on the legacy of the older ones!
Ritu weds Chandani is a picture book that helps young readers understand same sex romantic love.
In Ten Indian Art Mysteries That Have Never Been Solved, author Mamta Nainy deftly delves into perplexing puzzles of Indian art history, where the readers are duly invited to become detectives in their own right!
This fascinating volume of short stories dives deep into historical tales about Indian aristocracy and royalty. Targeted at middle graders, the book is a must for lovers of historical fiction.
Four board books open a window into the lives of women in science whose travails and stories will continue to inspire the youngest of children!
The Songs of Freedom series by Penguin Random House explores the lives of children across India during the struggle for independence.
The Tiger of the River takes young readers into the fertile belt of the mighty river Kaveri through the eyes of the magnificent mahseer.