Features and reviews of books that have special interest for young adults. The 12-18 age group is challenging and difficult to please. Inhabiting the “YA” world is exciting in itself- it is a world where media consumption is not restricted to books alone. We are looking at young people who are more aware and attuned to the dynamics of the changing world than ever before. This section presents book reviews as well as general interest stories related to YA literature.

10 reasons why you should read 10 Indian Monarchs Whose Amazing Stories You May Not Know by Devika Rangachari

History is a lot of fun....and just like an enthralling thriller, this book takes you through the eventful lives of 10 Indian Monarchs Whose Amazing Stories You May Not Know! Published by Duckbill here’s a history lesson you would love to attend!

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Kakababu on duty…..in ‘The Adventures of Kakababu’ by Sunil Gangopadhyay

Who does not like reading stories about swashbuckling heroes who go around solving ancient unsolved mysteries in far off seldom visited places? Well, our hero Kakababu in ‘The Adventures of Kakababu’, goes on mysterious secret missions and has a devil may care attitude to life.

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